Only one day has passed since Throne and Liberty korean CBT started, and there are tons of opinions. This is the first time we can actually see the game in action,...
Auto Path
The auto path feature is included in more and more MMORPGs. Throne and Liberty is no exception. Use the autopath to travel automatically through the world of Throne and Liberty.
Many Throne and Liberty leaks are appearing just days away from the Closed Beta in Korea.
A Chinese YouTube channel, xuan388【水軒大叔】, posted a video in which you can see different screenshots of...
Últimamente recibimos mucha información sobre Throne and Liberty, la CBT en Corea, filtraciones y demás. Y eso está muy bien, por supuesto, pero dediquemos también un momento a apreciar el arte...
There's been a lot of Throne and Liberty information lately, about the korean CBT, leaks and more. And that's great, of course, but let's also take a moment to appreciate the...
With an update to their website, Amazon Games confirms that the western version of Throne and Liberty will be Free to Play. A recently added “Coming Soon” banner for Thrones and Liberty can...
In this short guide we tell you what Vitalstones are, how to get them and what you can do with them. Let's get started.
What are Vitalstones
Vitalstones are formed when...
With the Material Transmutation system you can convert Equipment, Runes, Materials, and Gems that are of no use to you into other stuff. The items obtained can be Equipment...
Master the purple beam mechanics and overcome Shakarux in the Voidwastes dungeon of Throne and Liberty (TL). This guide covers everything you need to succeed, including a complete Voidwastes...