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Throne and Liberty – Guía Dagas

Si el sigilo es lo tuyo y disfrutas cuando salen esos daños críticos, o simplemente la movilidad es tu estilo de juego, entonces las dagas tienen que ser una de tus...

Throne and Liberty – Guía Arco

El arco es un arma enfocada al daño a distancia, probabilidad crítica y enraizamiento.Es un arma ideal para combinar, ya que puedes usarla junto a otras armas a distancia para sacar...

Throne and Liberty – Guía de Crafting

Aprende como crear el ítem que necesitas: Todo amante de los MMORPG sabe que la base de su progreso es el equipamiento, ya que podemos ser el mejor del mundo, tener una...

VPN for Throne and Liberty – NordVPN and Exitlag

Throne and Liberty is being released in Korea on December 7, and many people outside of Korea managed to get accounts to play there until the global release. As you already know,...

VPN para Throne and Liberty – NordVPN y Exitlag

El 7 de diciembre es el lanzamiento de Throne and Liberty en Corea, y muchas personas fuera de Corea consiguieron cuentas para jugar allí hasta el lanzamiento global. Como ya saben, jugar...

Throne and Liberty: Official Release Schedule in Producer’s Letter Part 5

TL’s producer, Jongok Ahn, published the fifth part of the Producer Letter (this is the link for the Producer Letter Part 1 in case you missed it). This time he shares details about the launch...


Wilds of Talandre: The New Expansion for THRONE AND LIBERTY

New Zone: Talandre Talandre, located in the central region of Solisium, is a rugged and dangerous area filled with demonic beasts. Refugees fleeing the Crimson Family oppression founded the...

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre

We finally got the details about the next big expansion for Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre. The new content along with the new region will arrive to Throne...

Server Merge: Details and Schedule

Amazon Games shared more details about the imminent Server Consolidation that will come to Throne and Liberty. As already announced in the last Tico Talk, the process will be...