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Throne and Liberty: Keyboard and Mouse

Character Controls Movement Controls Move ForwardMove BackMove LeftMove RightMove Forward ContantlyJumpMove to Mouse-Click Location Character Controls Basic AttackAstral Hunting(There is no selected target) Select the Closest Target(There is a selected target) Change the Selected TargetCancel...

Throne and Liberty: Menu and UI Introduction

Basic Screen Elements No.NameDescription1Character InfoShows your character's Health, Mana, Morph, and Amitoi information.Shows the resources that you currently have.At the bottom of the Character Info window, it also shows the buffs and...

Throne and Liberty CBT: Developers Note

Just a few hours before the start of the CBT, the developers of Throne and Liberty made a post telling us a little more about what this Beta test will be about. You...

CBT de Throne and Liberty: Nota de los desarrolladores

A solo unas horas del inicio de la CBT, los desarrolladores de Throne and Liberty hicieron una publicación contando un poco de que se tratará esta prueba Beta. A continuación puedes...

Throne and Liberty – Nuevas Imágenes, interface y más

Muchas filtraciones de Throne and Liberty están apareciendo a solo días de la Beta Cerrada en Corea. El canal chino de YouTube xuan388【水軒大叔】publicó un vídeo en el que se pueden ver direferentes capturas...


Hasta ahora, los juegos de NC se han centrado en la competencia entre jugadores, lo que, por supuesto, puede motivar y entretener a los usuarios en una región en particular. Sin embargo,...


Throne and Liberty – Rancorwood Dungeon Guide: How to Defeat King Khanzaizin

Rancorwood is a 3-Star Dimensional Circle dungeon in Throne and Liberty (TL) where players must face King Khanzaizin. This guide provides an overview of Rancorwood, a step-by-step walkthrough, strategies...

Wilds of Talandre: The New Expansion for THRONE AND LIBERTY

New Zone: Talandre Talandre, located in the central region of Solisium, is a rugged and dangerous area filled with demonic beasts. Refugees fleeing the Crimson Family oppression founded the...

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre

We finally got the details about the next big expansion for Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre. The new content along with the new region will arrive to Throne...