In this short guide we are going to show you how to make your Amitois recover your HP. You just need something to “feed” them with and set some options in the menu, it’s quite simple.

In order for your Amitoi to heal you, you need to have an item called World Tree Leaves in your inventory. You don’t have to feed them, just make sure you have it, and your Amitoi will take care of the rest. You can buy World Tree Leaves at any Sundries Merchant for only 20 gold, it’s very cheap.

You can change the HP range from which your Amitoi starts to heal you. To do that you have to go to the Settings -> Character menu and at the bottom you will see the options under the heading Amitoi Recovery. You can choose the HP percentage you want your Amitoi to start healing you and if you want to always activate the hp recovery during PVP combat or not.