Throne and Liberty: Fortitude Stat

What is Fortitude?

Fortitude stat aims to improve your survivability, boost your endurance, your base damage and enhances your crowd control resistance. Let’s take a look at the details of the Fortitude stat below.

  • Increased Vitality: Boosts overall health and survivability in combat.
  • Increased Max and Min Damage: Improves base damage across melee, ranged, and magic attacks.
  • Magic Defense: Provides added protection against magic-based enemies.
  • Increased Endurance: Increases resilience against melee, ranged, and magic endurance damage.
  • CC Resistance: Reduces the duration and impact of crowd control effects like stuns and slows.

Despite being a defensive stat in general, Fortitude also increases your character’s base damage. This means you have a better survivability without loosing damage, it’s a great stat for you if you like playing as an aggressive tank.

Fortitude Achievement Effect

Once you reach certain Fortitude Points, you will get some additional effects, as happens with every other stats. These are the Fortitude Achievements you can get and their effects.

30 Fortitude Points– Endurance 100
40 Fortitude Points– Magic Defense 200
50 Fortitude Points– Heavy Attack Evasion 100
60 Fortitude Points– Endurance 120
70 Fortitude Points– Endurance 60
– CC Resistances 100

How to Boost Fortitude

You can boost your Fortitude by reassigning stat points, and also equipping a Spear and Gilded Raven Armor set, since those are the only gear so far with a Fortitude bonus.



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