Throne and Liberty Beginners Guide: Dungeons

As in any good MMORPG, in Throne and Liberty you will find different Dungeons to face in order to get some of the best loots in the game. There are two types of Dungeons in Throne and Liberty: Secret Dungeons and Open World Dungeons.

Throne and Liberty: Secret Dungeons

Secret Dungeons are instanced PVE dungeons, for both solo and groups. At the moment you will find 3 Secret Dungeons in Throne and Liberty, which you will be able to access while leveling up and progressing in the game.

  • Taedal’s Tower (Solo)
  • Paola’s Dimension Circle (6 Players)
  • Gate of Infinity (Solo)

Taedal’s Tower

Taedal’s Tower is a multi-floor, single -player dungeon. As its name suggests, it’s a tower, in which you’ll face special challenges on each floor. The higher you climb, the more challenging the challenges will be, so you’ll have to focus on improving your character’s stats to go up in Taedal’s Tower.

Paola’s Dimension Circle

Paola’s Dimension Circle are group dungeons, which you can access with a group of 6 players. It is a typical MMORPG dungeon, and you can get an interesting loot by facing it. Each dungeon has its own particularities, different mechanics and bosses, as well as different rewards. Paola’s Dimension Circle dungeons have two Tiers, which represent two difficulty modes, Tier 2 dungeons are of higher difficulty and the reward is also higher.

Gate of Infinity

In Gate of Infinity you will be facing the same Bosses as in Taedal’s Tower, but be careful, the combat will not be the same. The combat mechanics will be different even if the Boss is the same.

Throne and Liberty: Open World Dungeons

In Throne and Liberty, you will also find non instanced open world dungeons. There is no limit to the number of participants in these dungeons, you can go alone, with a friend or with your entire guild, it’s up to you. During the night, the Open World Dungeons become a conflict zone and PVP is enabled.

Throne and Liberty: Open World Dungeons Locations



Throne and Liberty Interactive Map

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