Throne and Liberty: Cooking Recipes

In this guide we list the Throne and Liberty cooking recipes and how to get them. Wash your hands, put on your apron, turn on the oven and get ready, find all the details of Cooking Recipes below.

How to get Cooking Recipes

In Throne and Liberty it is very simple to get the recipes for the different dishes available. To learn the recipes you only need to level up your skill in Cooking. As you advance in the profession, you will unlock the different recipes available.

All Throne and Liberty Cooking Recipes

Fried Egg1– Salt x1
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Egg (Sandworm Egg x1 / Lizard Egg x3 / Terror Bird Egg x5 / Egg x5)
Fried Egg / Quality Fried Egg
Meat and Onion Soup 1– Salt x1
– Onion x4
– Meat (Chewy Meat x1 / Thick Meat x1 / Bland Meat x3 / Bird Meat x3 / Pork x5 / Wolf Meat x5)
Meat and Onion Soup / Quality Meat and Onion Soup
Quality Meat and Onion Soup1 – Honey x1
– Lemongrass x1
– Tranapple x1
Pickled Fruit Candy / Quality Pickled Fruit Candy
Roasted Honey Apple1– Honey x1
– Appe (Golden Apple x1 / Apple x3)
Roasted Honey Apple / Quality Roasted Honey Apple
Rye Bread1– Milk x1
– Salt x1
– Golden Rye x5
Rye Bread / Quality Rye Bread
Vegetable Stir-fry1 – Vegetable Oil x1
– Salt x1
– Vegetable (Herba x1 / Celery x3 / Quarba x3)
Vegetable Stir-fry / Quality Vegetable Stir-fry
Mushroom Stir-fry2– Onion x 4
– Salt x1
– Shiitake Mushroom x3
Mushroom Stir-fry / Quality Mushroom Stir Fry / Rare Mushroom Stir-fry
Sweet Grilled Mushrooms2– Honey x1
– Onion x4
– Pine Mushroom x3
Sweet Grilled Mushrooms / Quality Sweet Grilled Mushrooms
Kastler Salad3– Vegetable Oil x1
– Salt x1
– Vegetable (Fresh Ingredients x1 / Herba x1 / Celery x3 / Quarba x3)
Kastler Salad / Quality Kastler Salad / Rare Kastler Salad
Laslan-Style Fish Stew3– Milk x1
– Garlic x5
– Fish (Banded Butterflyfish x3 / Taion Moray Eel x3 / Silver Anchovy x5 / Pink Cod x5)
Laslan-Style Fish Stew / Quality Laslan-Style Fish Stew
Honey Rye Cookie4– Honey x1
– Salt x1
– Golden Rye x5
Honey Rye Cookie
Wild Game Steak4– Salt x1
– Tomato x1
– Meat (Chewy Meat x1 / Thick Meat x1 / Bland Meat x3 / Bird Meat x3 / Pork x5 / Wolf Meat x5)
Wild Game Steak / Quality Wild Game Steak
Bird Egg Custard 5– Milk x1
– Salt x1
– Egg (Sandworm Egg x1 / Lizard Egg x3 / Terror Bird Egg x5 / Egg x5)
Bird Egg Custard / Quality Bird Egg Custard / Rare Bird Egg Custard
Terror Bird Stew5– Golden Rye x1
– Onion x4
– Bird Meat x3
Poultry Stew / Quality Poultry Stew
Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick6– Shiitake Mushroom x1
– Salt x1
– Bird Meat x3
Herb Marinade Chicken Drumstick / Quality Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick
Quarba Omelet6– Quarba x1
– Salt x1
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Egg (Fresh Ingredients x1 / Sandworm Egg x1 / Lizard Egg x3 / Terror Bird Egg x5 / Egg x5)
Quarba Omelet / Quality Quarba Omelet / Rare Quarba Omelet
Fish Pottage7– Milk x1
– Garlic x5
– Celery x1
– Fish (Ballan Wrasse x1 / Barracuda x4 / Banded Butterflyfish x3 / Taion Moray Eel x3 / Amberjack x3 / Silver Anchovy x5 / Pink Cod x5)
Fish Pottage / Quality Fish Pottage / Rare Fish Pottage
Tranapple Tart7– Golden Rye x1
– Honey x1
– Salt x1
– Tranapple x1
Tranapple Tart / Quality Tranapple Tart / Rare Tranapple Tart
Fish Steak8– Basil x3
– Garlic x5
– Fish (Fonsiné Barracuda x1 / Arowana x3 / Belphoret Bass x5 / Largemouth Bass x5)
Fish Steak / Quality Fish Steak / Rare Fish Steak
Healthy Milk8– Rotein x1
– Milk x5
Healthy Milk
Crab Meat Pie9– Onion x4
– Golden Rye x1
– Salt x1
Crab Meat Pie / Quality Crab Meat Pie / Rare Crab Meat Pie
Laslan-Style Braised Meat9– Garlic x5
– Honey x1
– Salt x1
– Chewy Meat x1
Laslan-Style Braised Meat / Quality Laslan-Style Braised Meat / Rare Laslan-Style Braised Meat
Honey Sponge Cake10– Healthy Milk x1
– Honey Rye Cookie x1
Honey Sponge Cake
Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms10– Pine Mushroom x1
– Milk x1
– Cheese x2
– Fish (Fonsiné Barracuda x1 / Pajama Cardinalfish x1 / Arowana x3 / Belphoret Bass x5 / Largemouth Bass x5 / Dolly Varden Trout x5)
Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms / Quality Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms / Rare Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms
Forest Goulash11– Terror Bird Egg x4
– Basil x1
– Honey x1
– Meat (Thick Meat x1 / Chewy Meat x1 / Bird Meat x3 / Pork x5)
Forest Goulash / Quality Forest Goulash / Rare Forest Goulash
Golden Apple Pie11 – Golden Rye x1
– Honey x1
– Salt x1
– Fruice x1
– Golden Apple x1
Golden Apple Pie / Quality Golden Apple Pie / Rare Golden Apple Pie
BBQ Platter12– Corn x2
– Onion x4
– Cheese x2
– Curry Powder x1
– Meat (Fresh Ingredients x1 / Chewy Meat x1 / Thick Meat x1 / Bland Meat x3 / Bird Meat x3 / Pork x5 / Wolf Meat x5)
BBQ Platter / Quality BBQ Platter / Rare BBQ Platter
Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-fry12– Shiitake Mushroom x1
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Curry Powder x1
– Bird Meat x3
Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-fry/ Quality Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-fry / Rare Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-fry
Grilled Crown Fish13– Saffron x1
– Salt x1
– Fish (Fonsiné Barracuda x1 / Pajama Cardinalfish x1 / Imp Catalupa x1 / Arowana x3 / Lanquis Barracuda x3 / Belphoret Bass x5 / Largemouth Bass x5 / Dolly Varden Trout x5)
Grilled Crown Fish / Quality Grilled Crown Fish / Rare Grilled Crown Fish
White Meat Mortis13– Egg x4
– Pine Mushroom x1
– Salt x1
– Tomato x1
– Fish (Ballan Wrasse x1 / Barracuda x1 / Blacktail Snook x1 / Banded Butterflyfish x3 / Taion Moray Eel x3 / Amberjack x3 / Silver Anchovy x5 / Pink Cod x5 / Striped Mackerel x5)
White Meat Mortis / Quality White Meat Mortis / Rare White Meat Mortis
Dawn Crab Platter14– Saffron x1
– Milk x1
– Grape juice x1
– Uncommon Fish Oil x1
– Crab (Sea Crab Pincer x1 / Hermit Crab Tail x3)
Dawn Crab Platter / Quality Dawn Crab Platter / Rare Dawn Crab Platter
Kastler Banquet 14– Rare BBQ Platter x1
– Rare Quarba Omelet x1
– Rare Kastler Salad x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Kastler Banquet
Aurora Seafood Platter15– Aurora Starfish x1
– Grape juice x1
– Lemongrass x1
– Clam x2
– Fish (Fonsiné Barracuda x1 / Pajama Cardinalfish x1 / Imp Catalupa x1 / Ballan Wrasse x1 / Barracuda x1 / Blacktail Snook x1 / Arowana x3 / Lanquis Barracuda x3 / Banded Butterflyfish x3 / Taion Moray Eel x3 / Amberjack x3 / Belphoret Bass x5 / Largemouth Bass x5 / Dolly Varden Trout x5 / Silver Anchovy x5 / Pink Cod x5 / Striped Mackerel x5)
Aurora Seafood Platter / Quality Aurora Seafood Platter / Rare Aurora Seafood Platter
Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters15– Uncommon Fish Oil x1
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Salt x1
– Crab (Sea Crab Pincer x1 – Hermit Crab Tail x3)
Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters / Quality Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters / Rare Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters
Enticing Cream Pudding16– Fermented Rotein x5
– Ant Wings x1
Rare Enticing Cream Pudding
Golden Rye Banquet16– Rare White Meat Mortis x1
– Rare Mushroom Stir-fry x1
– Rare Bird Egg Custard x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Golden Rye Feast
Scorpion Tail Fritters17– Uncommon Fish Oil x1
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Salt x1
– Scorpion Tail x1
Scorpion Tail Fritters / Quality Scorpion Tail Fritters / Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters
Thrilling Papillote17– Fermented Rotein x5
– Lizard Scale x1
Rare Thrilling Papillote
Roaring Steak18– Fermented Rotein x5
– Orc Heart x1
Rare Roaring Steak
Vienta Banquet18– Rare Aurora Seafood Platter x1
– Rare Tranapple Tart x1
– Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Vienta Banquet
Wild Pot-au-feu19– Mana Blood x5
– Beast Fang x1
Rare Wild Pot-au-feu
Ardent Jelly20– Mana Blood x5
– Reaper’s Soul x1
Rare Ardent Jelly
Daybreak Shore Feast20– Rare Dawn Crab Platter x1
– Rare Golden Apple Pie x1
– Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Daybreak Shore Feast
Mushroom Stew21– Silk Mollusk x2
– Fan Leaf x1
– Mushroom (Winter Truffle x2 / Pine Mushroom x6 / Shiitake Mushroom x6)
Quality Mushroom Stew / Rare Mushroom Stew
Wild Grape Pie21– Red Water Lily x3
– Honey x1
– Talandre Wild Grape x3
Quality Wild Grape Pie / Rare Wild Grape Pie
Aged Salmon22 – Salt x3
– Red Salmon x1
Quality Aged Salmon / Rare Aged Salmon
Canned Salted Fish22– Salt x3
– Fish (Mahi Mahi x1 / Kahawai x3 / Black Bream x5 / Flathead Gray Mullet x5 / Lanquis Bass x5 / Blue Filefish x5)
Quality Canned Salt Fish / Rare Canned Salt Fish
Grilled Fish23– Salt x3
– Fish (Lanquis Carp x1 / Mackerel x3 / Rainbow Ray-Finned Fish x3 / Horse Mackerel x5 / Stripped Crimson Seabream x5 / Bluegill x5)
Quality Grilled Fish / Rare Grilled Fish
Seafood and Seaweed Soup 23– Silk Mollusk x3
– Garlic x1
– Fish (Peacock Bass x1 / Small-Mouthed Rockfish x3 / Luderick x3 / Discus x5 / Heliber Goldfish x5 / Pennant Coralfish x5 / Sunspot Rockfish x5)
Quality Seafood and Seafood and Seaweed Soup / Rare Seafood and Seaweed Soup
Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid24– Fan Leaf x2
– Vegetable Oil x1
– Squid x3
Quality Fried Fan Leaf Squid / Rare Fried Fan Leaf Squid
Lobster Sandwich24– Talandre Wild Grape x2
– Basil x1
– Mantis Shrimp x3
Quality Lobster Sandwich / Rare Lobster Sandwich
Aylmar Feast25– Rare Seafood and Seaweed Soup x1
– Rare Grilled Fish x1
– Rare Fried Fan Leaf Squid x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Aylmar Feast
Herba Banquet25– Rare Shark Crab Soup x1
– Rare Mushroom Stew x1
– Rare Wild Grape Pie x1
– Marind (Rare Marind x5 / Rare Processed Marind x5 / Rare Marind Ore x5)
Herba Banquet
Shark Crab Soup25– Sea Crab Pincer x1
– Red Water Lily x1
– Blacktip Shark x1
Quality Shark Crab Soup / Rare Shark Crab Soup
Skipjack Tuna Tadaki 25– Silk Mollusk x1
– Uncommon Fish Oil x1
– Skipjack Tuna x1
Quality Skipjack Tuna Tadaki / Rare Tuna Tadaki

How to Cook in Throne and Liberty

You can see the recipes from the main menu in the Cooking Recipes section, but to cook you will have to go to a Bonfire or Cooking Oven. Choose the recipe of the dish you want to obtain, get the ingredients, go to the bonfire or cooking oven and start cooking!

Throne and Liberty: Cooking Guide



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