Throne and Liberty Beginners Guide: Contracts

In this guide, we will explain what Contracts are, how to get them and why you should do them.

What are Contracts in Throne and Liberty?

Most MMO games have some sort of “daily” quest system: dynamically generated mission objectives that can be completed every day for special rewards. Throne & Liberty is no different, in this game daily quests can be found in the Contracts system.

You will have a supply of “Contract Rights” every day, you will be able to spend to perform contract missions. Once spent, these Contract Rights cannot be replenished manually. The only way to replenish them is to wait until the next day when you will receive more. What this effectively means is that you can take a maximum of 10 contracts per day.

Learn the basics of what Contracts are, we will explain how you can get started with the Contract System.

How to initiate contracts in Throne and Liberty

To accept contracts in Throne and Liberty, you must first accept them from contract providers, special NPCs found all over the world. You can find a contracted supplier in the following locations:

Interactive Map – Contract Locations:

Kastleton – NPC (Noss)

Starlight Observatory Ruins – NPC (Illia)

Watcher´s Post – NPC (Felix)

Purelight Tower – NPC (Yohan)

Sanctuary Oasis – NPC (Daelfen)

Vienta Village – NPC

Canina Village – NPC (Olin)

Pay attention to the level of the area when deciding which contract NPC to visit: NPCs in high-level areas will grant high-level contracts, which may be difficult to complete if your level is too low. Ideally, contracts should be a relatively quick and easy mission that can be completed for a good reward. Avoid time-consuming or difficult contracts, and one of the best ways to do this when you are new to the game is to avoid contracts that are at a considerably higher level compared to your character.

When viewing an NPC’s contracts, you can use the Update function if you do not like any of the contracts currently offered to you. Some contracts have very simple objectives, such as cutting down some trees. Get contracts like this when possible to speed up the process. The less time you spend on contracts, the faster you will reap your rewards and the more time you will have for other activities.

Lastly, pay attention to the rewards offered by each Contract. Try to choose those that provide you with elements that are useful to you.

What are the contract rewards in Throne & Liberty?

Each contract rewards you with some items when you complete it. Exact rewards differ between contracts, but they usually include useful progression elements, such as growth stones. Ideally, the elements you currently need for your character to progress should be a deciding factor when choosing which contracts to accept each day.

Contracts also reward you with a special currency called “Contract Coins”. This special coins can be redeemed for additional rewards visiting a contract coin dealer; these are usually located near the contract supplier.

You can purchase items such as growth stones, lithographs and mystic keys in exchange for contract coins. The merchant’s inventory resets every 24 hours, so if you don’t see the item you are looking for, you can check with another merchant or check again the next day.

These rewards make Contracts an excellent way to obtain important items in Throne & Liberty, speeding up the long process of improving your character, an important aspect to advance to the end of the game.

Tips and tricks for contracts in Throne and Liberty

Here are some general tips for completing contracts quickly and efficiently in Throne & Liberty:

  • Team up with friends to finish contracts faster. Unlike collecting gold from mobs, contract rewards are not shared among group members, so you can bring friends to speed up the process without losing any rewards.
  • Use the Upgrade button to get a new choice of Contracts if you don’t like any of the ones currently offered. Try to choose contracts that are all in the same location, this way you will be able to complete them faster.
  • Look for easy objectives that you can complete quickly.
  • Some contracts have special rewards, such as the Lucky Pocket, which can yield gems or rare or epic armor recipes. These are quite valuable, so we recommend selecting them whenever they appear.
  • Pay attention to the number of items offered in the Contract Rewards when deciding which one to choose. For example, if you need weapon growth stones, look for contracts that offer four of them instead of three.



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