How characters move in the game
Moving Characters
Left-click the ground with your mouse to go to the designated place.
Press W, A, S, and D keys to move to a certain direction.
Use the keyboard keys or the left and right mouse buttons to go to the direction that the camera is facing.
Press Space key to jump.
Movements in Morphed Forms
Left-click the ground with your mouse to go to the designated place.
Press W, A, S, and D keys to move to a certain direction.
Press Space key to jump.
Press Shift key while moving to accelerate

Press W key to accelerate.
Press A and D keys to rotate to the right or left.
Press S key to descend.

Left-click the water surface with your mouse to go to the designated place.
Press W, A, S, and D keys to move to a certain direction.
Press Space key to jump.
Press Shift key while moving to accelerate.