Establishing Relationships with Other Players
Through this system, you can register and manage like-minded friends and the people to watch out for while you play.
It shows information about the registered players, such as their online and guild-joining status.
The relationships set up through this system can be used to distinguish between targets during Astral Vision.

Relationship Settings
You can set up your relationship with your target through their Character Card or by entering their character name in the [Main Menu] – [Relationships].
※ You can update your relationships in the [Main Menu] – [Relationships] or through the Character Card.

You can add players you need to watch out for to your Feuds list.
Up to 20 people can be on the Feuds list, and you can add or remove them without their consent.
If a Feud target is nearby, they will appear on your minimap.
When a Feud target logs in to the game, you will receive a notification.
You can add players you are interested in to your Interests list.
Up to 20 people can be on the Interests list, and you can add or remove them without their consent.
If a target of Interest is nearby, they will appear on your minimap.
When a target of Interest logs in to the game, you will receive a notification.
A Friendship requires mutual consent.
Send a Friend request to a target of Interest. If they accept it, then you will become friends.
Players you are friends with will see where you are in the hunt.
Up to 50 friends can be registered.
If a Friend is nearby, they will appear on your minimap.
When a Friend logs in to the game, you will receive a notification.
You can block the players you are not interested in to your Blocked list.
Blocked players’ chats will not be visible, and they will also be blocked from sending you invitations.
Up to 50 people can be on the Blocked list, and you can add or remove them without their consent.
If a Blocked target is nearby, they will appear on your minimap.