Throne and Liberty – Tyrant’s Isle Dungeon Guide

To complete Tyrant’s Isle and defeat Toublek in Throne and Liberty (TL), you’ll need to dig down and rush to the blue flower as a rat, then stand on the active geysers to avoid dangerous attacks before dealing damage. Read on to see an overview of Tyrant’s Isle, a complete walkthrough, how to beat Toublek, and the possible rewards upon completion.

List of Contents

Toublek, the tyrant of Saurodoma Island, possesses infinite regeneration and powerful sorcery. Originally an elf wizard, Toublek’s transformation into a reptilian was the result of a failed experiment. Now, he’s a terror, experimenting on innocent victims in an attempt to reverse his condition.

Tyrant’s Isle Walkthrough

You’ll start in a marsh filled with Reptilians and a Reptilian Butcher as the mini-boss. Clear mobs before engaging the Butcher, who will summon nearby enemies for help during the fight.

  • Mini-boss: Reptilian Butcher

Proceed into the cavern after defeating the Butcher. Use Oil Jars to group enemies together and ignite them for faster kills. Watch out for Reptilian eggs, which will spawn hatchlings if you get too close. Clear these from a distance before taking on the next mini-boss.

  • Mini-boss: Bloodthirsty Reptilian Executioner

After defeating the Executioner, rescue kidnapped sailors as you progress. The first sailor is in a cage on the right side. The second can be freed after defeating the next mini-boss.

  • Mini-boss: Bloodthirsty Reptilian Gladiator

After freeing the second sailor, activate the nearby geyser to launch into the next area. Glide down to the second geyser to reach the final boss: Toublek.

Toublek Overview

Type: Wildkin
Passive: Skillful Defense: All Endurance ▲

Toublek will morph you into a rat, and your only action is to dig. You must tunnel underground when he slams his staff to avoid being stunned and eaten, which results in instant death. After tunneling, resurface and rush to a blue glowing flower to return to human form. Each flower is single-use, so coordinate with your team to ensure everyone gets one.

When Toublek triggers a geyser, stand inside it to avoid his AoE attack. You will be launched into the air. Morph into your glide form to avoid fall damage. Use tools like the Staff’s Salvation Chain to pull in distant allies and avoid unnecessary casualties.

Toublek’s basic attack involves flinging energy balls at a party member, dealing moderate damage. While not deadly, the damage adds up quickly if not managed.

Toublek will spin his tail in a sweeping attack. Stay close to parry the attack and gain defense bonuses.

This mechanic morphs all players into rats. Follow the “Dig” mechanic to survive this phase.

Toublek will charge a blue infernal ball and fire meteors that explode in a cross shape. Avoid the meteors by moving diagonally or morphing into a different form.

Toublek will activate geysers to perform a deadly AoE attack. Stand on the geyser to launch into the air and avoid the damage.

Toublek follows a predictable rotation during the battle:

  • Force BallsTail SpinRat MorphForce BallsTail SpinCross MeteorsGeyser BoostRat Morph

Mastering these mechanics and coordinating with your team is key to defeating Toublek.

Toublek’s Thunderous SoulToublek’s Strafing Bow
Grand General’s Unbeaten ArmorBlack Lion Dash
Specter’s Frost BracerSpecter’s Frost Bracer
indomitable Kinght’s Plate ArmorDeadly Fighter’s Visor
Deadly Strike Iron GlovesDeadly Stance Plate Boots
Deadly Barrier Chain GaitersDeadly Fighter’s Plate Armor
Guardian’s BraceletPassionate Vigor Belt
Beak Diatrima


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