Throne and Liberty: Update 1.12.0 & Battle Pass: Violetta’s Star

Throne and Liberty team shared details about the 1.12.0 update and the new Battle Pass: Violetta’s Star. This update includes a modification to the Rune System, specifically on the rune drop and reward rate, some fixes to the Startree Solstice Event and a couple of other changes. Check out the details below.


THRONE AND LIBERTY Update 1.12.0 downtime will begin at 10:30PM PT (6:30AM UTC) on January 8 and last approximately 10 hours while additional database maintenance is performed. It includes an extension to the Startree Solstice Pass Point Shop. Find the full list of changes and fixes listed below.


  • Abyss Points: Increased cap to 40,000 from 20,000.
  • Saurodoma Island: Changed the specific Dimensional Token drops to Dimensional Token Selection Chests instead. A Dungeon Matchmaking penalty was being improperly applied to characters who re-entered a completed dungeon using the Party Matchmaking system, then left the completed instance. This unintended penalty has been removed.
  • Guild Raids: Corrected the weekly reset timer for Guild Raids; these once again reset after weekly maintenance.
  • Guild Raids: Martial Medal Chests were incorrectly listed as a potential reward from Guild Raids and have been removed from the reward display.
  • Arena: After reviewing your feedback, we’ve reversed the recent Arena map change introduced in 1.10.0 and returned the Arena map rotation to the previous layouts while the removed Arena map receives some additional love and iteration.
  • Morph: The Peryton Ferthur morph went missing from the Morph menu in 1.11 and has been returned.
  • Console: Fixed an issue preventing the Settings menu from closing properly after cycling between tabs.

Rune System

  • After reviewing the state of Rune drops starting with the 1.10 update, as well as your feedback, we’ve broadened the range of content for acquiring Runes and increased Rune drop rates from several sources. The goal is to allow for more variety of activities to contribute to meaningful Rune progression.
  • Increased the amount of Runes rewarded from Dynamic Events and Field Bosses.
  • Runes now drop from Abyssal Dungeons and Guild Raids.
  • Chaos Runes now properly drop from Tier 5+ in Dimensional Trials.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Dissolve results window to be empty when dissolving Runes.

Startree Solstice Event

  • Fixed an issue causing the Festival Tree in Stonegard Castle to not accept decorations after the last Siege event.
  • Fixed some placeholder text for Snowdrift Island arena matchmaking UI and Festival Tree map icons.
  • Fixed an issue causing some damage reduction effects to carry over into Snowdrift Island.
  • Xbox: Fixed dark ground textures in the Snowdrift Arena.
  • Xbox: Fixed an issue preventing the Winter Wonderland Headpiece from the Winter Wonderland Bundle from appearing after purchase.

Battle Pass: Violetta’s Star

The Violetta’s Star Battle Pass is available now through February 13, 2PM PT. There are desirable rewards at every level, but the most ambitious adventurers will strive to achieve max level (level 50) for the following loot.

  • Level 1 (Premium Track): Jungle Buddy Talem Amitoi
  • Level 10 (Premium Track): Flos Ferthur Glide Morph
  • Level 20 (Free Track): Gesture: Sleepy
  • Level 31 (Premium Track): Pose: Lie on Side
  • Level 50 (Premium Track): Violetta outfit

Don’t forget to use your Star Crystals for valuable items in the Violetta’s Star Point Shop. As you progress your Battle Pass, you’ll earn Star Crystals as free rewards at levels 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, and 45. Additional Battle Pass experience upon reaching level 50 will be converted into Star Crystals. Be advised, at the end of the Battle Pass season, your Star Crystals will turn into Quality Recovery Crystals.

Here are some of the featured items from the Violetta’s Star Point Shop.

  • Rare Rune Category Selection Chest
  • Precious Processed Gem Selection Chest
  • Trait Extraction & Conversion Stones
  • Extra Resistance Contracts
  • Dimensional Contract Tokens (Type I & II)
  • Abyssal Contract Tokens
  • Skill Conversion Books
  • Trait Unlock Stones
  • Precious Parchment
  • and more!


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