The availability of PvP and death penalties varies, depending on the zone your character is in.
What Is a Zone Type?
The Zone Type is an attribute that describes the nature of the Territory you are in. It affects the availability of PvP and death penalties.
You can check the Zone Type on the minimap alongside the name of the Territory, and it is categorized as follows.

Name | Icon | Description |
Safe Zone | ▶ PvP is not allowed. ▶ Health and mana are restored. ▶ No Stamina is consumed. ▶ No death penalties are applied. | |
Peace Zone | ▶ PvP is not allowed. ▶ Death penalties are applied. | |
Conflict Zone | ▶ PvP is allowed. ▶ If you attack another player, you will enter PvP Combat State. ▶ Death penalties are applied. | |
Duel Zone | ▶ PvP is allowed. ▶ Everyone is considered an enemy except for party members ▶ Death penalties are applied. |
* In the PvP Combat State, everyone is considered an enemy except for party members and guild members.
Zone Type Change
Zone Type per Territory
Field Territories are Peace Zones by default.
Dungeons are Conflict Zones, where PvP is always enabled.
Zone Type per Content
When content occurs in a Territory, the content area changes to a Conflict Zone.