Throne and Liberty – Cursed Wasteland Dungeon Guide

Cursed Wasteland is a 1-Star Dimensional Circle dungeon in Throne and Liberty (TL) where you’ll face the boss Shaikal. Below is a detailed guide, including an overview of the dungeon, walkthroughs, strategies to defeat Shaikal, recommended weapon combinations, and potential rewards upon completion.

Table of Contents

Required Level:Lv. 50
Dungeon Type:1-Star Dimensional Circle
Minimum Combat Power:1600
Contract Token:300

Dungeon Lore
The Cursed Wasteland was the site of a ritual performed by Ahzriel and his followers, where they kidnapped a Light El

Shaikal Overview

  • Type: Undead
  • Passive Ability: Freedom Stance: Bind Resistance ▲

Shaikal Mechanics

In the fight against Shaikal, the arena is divided by glowing floors, which also appear throughout the dungeon. These floors deal damage and can stun players who step on them. The only way to remove these glowing barriers is by interacting with devices located at the end of each barrier. These devices temporarily deactivate the barriers, allowing players to reposition safely.

Shaikal raises its arms, charges, and unleashes a ring of dark energy. This is blockable and is usually the first attack.

Shaikal creates purple zones beneath two targets. Simply moving out of these zones is enough to avoid damage.

Shaikal turns red and marks a target with a red orb. After a short delay, a large AoE appears on the ground, pulling in targets and dealing damage. The marked player should move away from the party and then reposition once the AoE spawns.

Shaikal marks a target with a purple orb, then releases a wave of purple energy that follows the marked target. To avoid this attack, players need to interact with the devices that remove the barriers and relocate to a safer area.

Weapon ComboRoleDescription
Greatsword / Sword and ShieldTankIdeal for tanking through dungeon mobs and playing a key role during the Shaikal fight.
Longbow / CrossbowDPSProvides excellent ranged DPS, effective against Elites and Shaikal.
Dagger / CrossbowDPSAnother great DPS setup, particularly effective for dealing with Elites and Shaikal.
Wand / StaffSupportA strong healer build, providing reliable support to the tank and party with some offensive capabilities.

The dungeon begins with an uphill path filled with enemy encounters and glowing floors. Avoid the glowing floors as they will damage and stun you. Defeat all enemies as you make your way up.

At the end of the climb, you will face Blath, the dungeon’s first mini-boss. Defeat Blath to proceed further.

How to Beat Blath: Blath has a pull-in attack followed by summoning glowing floors and AoE explosions. Avoid the glowing floors and get out of the attack radius quickly, as getting stunned almost guarantees death.

After Blath, continue to the arena where you will encounter Belrog, the second mini-boss.

How to Beat Belrog: Belrog uses a similar mechanic to Blath, pulling players towards the center and creating glowing floors. In this case, players will be trapped inside. To escape, interact with the dark orbs around the arena to remove the glowing floors, then move away from Belrog to avoid the AoE explosions.

Shaikal’s Purity SpecterShaikal’s Torment Bow
Ghost Wolf Alter Ego ArmorGrim Judicator’s Mask
Lethal Frost RingBrutal Slaughter Dagger
Reflection Breakthrough Leather BootsBloody Fog Leather Armor
Flying Dragon Breath MaskFlying Dragon Scale Gloves
Flying Dragon Claw Leather BootsFlying Dragon Scale Secret Art Pants
Flying Dragon Heart Secret Art ArmorLethal Fortune Ring
Light Shaiki

Other Drops (Materials)

  • Precious Rubrix, Stalon, Emeret, Marind, Ore
  • Precious Polished Crystal
  • Rare Polished Stone
  • Reaper’s Soul and Mana Blood


Collection Codex


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