Introducing the second episode of ‘PLAY NOVEL’, an interactive novel that illustrates the story of Throne & Liberty. English version will be available on June 17.
Roen and Calanthia had faced each other in their childhood by destiny. Check out our Instagram stories to find out more about how Roen met Gerad who had previously been a drake hunter, how Calanthia gained strength, and the increasingly intertwined stories of these characters.

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Lord of Belphoret. A leader who lives for Belphoret and his family's prosperity. Father of Roen.

(on the lean side, with a muscular physique).
An illegitimate son of the Lupius family, he had a deprived childhood.
His mother falling ill, Revil went to the Lupius mansion to ask for medicine, only to be turned away at the door. Without proper care, his mother died of her illness. In his grief, Lupius flew into a rage and wiped out the entire Lupius clan.
He is frighteningly obsessed with power and will ruthlessly employ any means to achieve his designated goals.

Has a highly imposing physique.
Abused as a child, he later seeks out and kills his tormentors. The pleasure of killing is unlike anything he has ever known, and he continues his slaughter on the battlefield, rising to the rank of Kuurt (Great General) of Trutizan. Kazar’s ambition to extend the bounds of the Trutizan Empire is thwarted by the heroes of Solisium. Two hundred years later, Kazar reappears, this time as the Commander of Revil’s Arkeum Legions.

A select few of these are born with the ability to converse with birds or transform into one. For this reason, the hunting of birds is prohibited throughout all of Belphoret.

Throughout its long history of resistance, however, it has produced countless heroes as well as tales and history to be passed on to future generations.

Friends with Gerad from childhood, he becomes a drake hunter with him.

Raoul Druga later passes it on to Gerad as a token of friendship. The shield is made of an alloy of silver and steel mixed with dragon's blood, and is decorated with a dragon motif in front. It bears the inscription "The Dragon-hearted" engraved in ancient script on the inside.

A bastard son of the lord of Argo, he joins forces with Revil to take over Argo's lands. He stamps out the popular drake hunters in his quest for power.

A distinguished clan of drake hunters, the Druga family has many supporters in Argo.
They were driven out of Argo by the combined forces of Beiron the Second and Revil, after which they settled in Draco territory, north of the drake nests.
For a long time Raoul Druga, Gerad, and Fourdo formed a professional trio that hunted drakes and other magical beasts that posed a threat to people. One day, while on a drake hunting mission, Raoul Druga meets an unexpected death.

Wraith of vengeance.
Deep in the mountains of Trutizan, there was once a village of a minority tribe. A band of Kruman mercenary stragglers fleeing from war stumbled upon the tribe and sacked the village, massacring the people. Solar was only a girl then, and the only survivor of the massacre to be rescued by the Trutizan army.
Having lost everything, Solar lived only for revenge, and grew up to become a notorious warrior of Trutizan. In all of her battles Solar always saves a single arrow to avenge herself upon the Kruman mercenary leader, but unable to fulfill her revenge in life, her Wraith lingers in the arrow and becomes an oath artifact.
She is thereafter summoned and resurrected by one with an unquenchable thirst for revenge.

One of the berserk orcs.
Akidu priests create berserk orcs, which never tire or feel pain, by infusing regular orcs with black magic. As this process is extremely painful, shackles are used to hold down the orcs. Tuaren is the fifth leader in the history of the Akidu tribe.
He oversees the construction of the Tower of Greed as part of a deal with Revil, who promises to create him more berserk orcs using Calanthia's mana.

1. Underground forge: where orcs create an endless supply of weapons and protective equipment, using underground magma to melt obsidian and iron ore. These weapons and protective equipment are then treated with black magic.
2. Underground armory: filled with tens of thousands of arrows fitted with arrowheads dipped in the poison of venom-spewing harpies, fletched with harpy feathers. It also stores a battering ram for breaking down castle gates and armor for giant mammothians.
The Tower of Greed: tower level
1. Black magic sorcery chamber: holds dozens of altars used for creating berserk orcs, regular orcs charged with black magic so that they do not tire or feel pain. The altars are equipped with shackles to hold the orcs down as they struggle during the painful black magic infusing process.
2. Drake nest: houses baby steel drakes sent by Beiron the Second. Arkeum soldiers training the drakes await the delivery of a controlling leash made with black sealing magic.

The Red Library at Venelux holds a volume called Curses of the Gods, which records the curse of Silaves as thus:
"the black-winged one will burn down the earth and become its owner."

An emaciated, stooped-over wizard of great intellectual curiosity.
His self-experimentation in quest of magic powers leads to his sudden aging and death.

An emaciated, stooped-over wizard of great intellectual curiosity.
His self-experimentation in quest of magic powers leads to his sudden aging and death.

One notable oath artifact is Calanthia's necklace, which contained the Wraith of Kuhul Tevent, Kuurt and wizard of Trutizan. Part of Kuhul Tevent's Wraith was transferred from the necklace to Greedal's bones over the course of Greedal's self-experimentation, and after his death was resurrected from Greedal’s remains.

Wraith of hunger.
Kuhul, a court wizard of Trutizan, used forbidden magic to try to heal his ailing wife but failed. The black magic slowly impairs Kuhul's reason, and he succumbs to delusions that black magic will enable him to overcome death and reach the heights of a god.
Suffering from an insatiable hunger for mana, Kuhul casts an oath on his necklace and is later resurrected through the bones of Greedal, taking on the form of a massive skeleton.