A guide to the Warden’s Pledge item that grants many useful abilities
What Is the Warden’s Pledge?
A player can summon the power of ancient heroes for a short period of time, using Pledge Artifacts.
When a player turns into the Warden, and they can use that hero’s abilities and skills.
Summoning Wardens
The list of Wardens can be accessed via [Main Menu] – [Warden].

The names and abilities are listed in the Warden page.
Select a Warden and click Assign button

Press Q or the Warden icon to turn into the assigned Warden.

Warden’s Pledge Effects
The player is granted certain effects unique to each Warden while being assigned.
When summoned, the player turns into the Warden for 30 sec, the applied effects are amplified, and special effects unique to each Warden are applied as well.