Rare Blank Lithograph is an essential material for Rare grade equipment Craft in Throne and Liberty. Follow this guide to learn how to get Rare Blank Lithograph.

How to Craft Rare Blank Lithograph
You will need different materials to create Rare Blank Lithograph: Armor, Rare Blank Lithograph: Accessories and Rare Blank Lithograph: Weapons.
Rare Blank Lithograph: Armor
- Rare Parchment x10
- Enchanted Ink x5
- Rare Rune Leather x10
- Rare Magithread x10
- Rare Manasteel x10
- Rare Polished Crystal x5
- Rare Stalon x5
Rare Blank Lithograph: Accesories
- Rare Parchment x10
- Enchanted Ink x5
- Rare Pure Gold x10
- Rare Polished Crystal x5
- Rare Emeret x5
Rare Blank Lithograph: Weapons
- Rare Parchment x20
- Enchanted Ink x10
- Rare Manasteel x10
- Rare Mystwood x20
- Rare Polished Crystal x10
- Rare Rubrix x10
Originally the recipe included Rare Enchanted Ink, an item that is not available in the current version of Throne and Liberty, so it was impossible to manufacture Rare Black Lithographs. This was fixed with the October 17, 2024 patch, in which the recipe was changed to require Enchanted Ink instead of Rare Enchanted Ink.
You can buy Enchanted Ink in the Contract Manager in exchange for Contract Coins and in the Ornate Shop in exchange for Ornate Coins. Both shops have a purchase limit of Enchanted Ink. You can only buy 100 Enchanted Ink with Ornate Coins and 50 weekly with Contract Coins.
In addition to crafting Rare Blank Lithographs yourself, you can also search for them in the Auction House and buy them from other players.