Let’s talk a little about Bosses. In Throne and Liberty you will find 3 tipes of bosses: Field Bosses, Guild Bosses and Archbosses. Here are the differences between them and how to deal with them.
Throne and Liberty: Field Bosses
Field Bosses are powerfull monsters that can be defeated cooperatively in the open world. This is a cooperative event, many players must attack this monster together to defeat it. If you success in battle, you can obtain interesting rewards and exclusive Boss items.
Field Bosses: Spawn
In Throne and Liberty Field Bosses will appear at certain time. You can check the spawn scheduele in the Timetable.

Once the combat start, the area around the boss will become “Conflict Zone”, and PVP will be activated. If you die during combat, your Field Boss contributions will disappear. Once the boss is defeated, you must interact with the remains to claim your rewards, wich will be determined with your contributions in the battle.

For more information about Field Bosses you can visit our Throne and Liberty: Field Boss Wiki page.
Throne and Liberty: Guild Boss
Join a guild to participate in Guild Raids, instances in which you will be able to face Guild Bosses alongside your guild members.
What Is a Guild Raid?
Guild Raid is an instance in which players can participate in boss battles with their fellow guild members. Every week, players can defeat the raid boss for a given number of times, and receive important rewards. This Guild Boss can be accessed from the Guild Base (or Legion Base).
How to Start a Guild Raid

Interact with the Guild Raid entrance within the Guild Base to open the Guild Raid screen. Choose which raid to open from the Guild Raid screen, and press the button to start the instance.
How to Participate
Once the Guild Raid is active, press Enter Raid button to enter the Raid area. When the boss is defeated within the Raid area, all guild members will be teleported to the base within 3 min.

For more information about Guild Bosses you can visit our Throne and Liberty: Guild Raid Wiki page.
Throne and Liberty: Archboss
Archbosses are the most powerful creatures in the world. They are the overlords of each region and appear only once per week. You can check the spawn scheduele in the Timetable.

Combat against Archbosses will require a large number of players and good coordination. Defeating an Archboss is more complicated than simply attacking it and avoiding its blows, participants must attack the Archboss’s weak points to have a chance to succeed.
For more information about Archbosses you can visit our Throne and Liberty: Archboss Wiki page.