Throne and Liberty News


Throne and Liberty – Guía Varita

La varita es un arma que podría tomarse como clase debuffer/buffer aunque predomina ligeramente el daño y maldiciones. Prioridad al subir habilidades:La varita tiene varias...

Throne and Liberty – Guía Baculo

En esta guía de Throne and Liberty, se centra en el báculo, un arma para magos y brujos que se especializa en daño en...
Throne and Liberty Updated Version Details in G-Star 2023

Throne and Liberty Updated Version Details in G-Star 2023

NCSOFT finally presented at G-STAR 2023 a few of the changes made and showed the gameplay of some features of the updated version of...
Throne and Liberty Updated Version Details in G-Star 2023

Detalles de la Versión Actualizada de Throne and Liberty en la...

NCSOFT finalmente presento en la G-STAR 2023 algunos de los cambios realizados y mostraron la jugabilidad de algunas características de la versión actualizada de...
Throne and Liberty: Official Launch Schedule in Producer’s Letter Part 5

Throne and Liberty – Sistema de Clases

Throne and Liberty se lanzará oficialmente en Corea el 7 de diciembre 2023 , y el lanzamiento global se espera en el primer trimestre,...
A mobile version of Throne and Liberty in the making?

Throne and Liberty – New G-Star 2023 Trailer

NCSOFT revealed a new trailer for Throne and Liberty. It is the second trailer of this kind to be released this month. And if...
A mobile version of Throne and Liberty in the making?

Throne and Liberty – Nuevo tráiler para G-Star 2023

NCSOFT revelo un nuevo tráiler de Throne and Liberty. Es el segundo tráiler de este tipo que se publica este mes. Y si el...
Throne and Liberty KR - Pre-download and character creation

Throne and Liberty KR – Pre-download and character creation

On November 21, it will be possible to download the Throne and Liberty client. Character creation will be available from November 22. ...
Throne and Liberty KR - Pre-download and character creation

Throne and Liberty KR – Pre-descarga y creación de personaje

El 21 de noviembre, será posible descargar el cliente de Throne and Liberty. La creación de personajes estará disponible a partir del 22 de...
Throne and Liberty: Monetization and PvP details in Producer’s Letter Part 4

Throne and Liberty: Detalles de monetización y PvP en la Carta...

El productor de TL, Jongok Ahn, publicó la cuarta parte de Producer Letter.En esta oportunidad profundiza en los detalles del sistema de monetización de Throne and...
Throne and Liberty: Monetization and PvP details in Producer’s Letter Part 4

Throne and Liberty: Monetization and PvP details in Producer’s Letter Part...

TL’s producer, Jongok Ahn, published the fourth part of the Producer Letter (this is the link for the Producer Letter Part 1 in case you missed it). In...
Throne and Liberty: Patch Notes (December 13th)

Cómo Crear una Cuenta de Throne and Liberty Corea

El MMORPG Throne and Liberty se lanzará en Corea del Sur el 7 de diciembre de 2023.  Pero crear una cuenta para jugar en Corea es bastante...
Throne and Liberty: Patch Notes (December 13th)

How to Create a Throne and Liberty Korean Account

The MMORPG Throne and Liberty will be launched in South Korea on December 7, 2023. But creating an account to play in Korea is quite...
Throne and Liberty Release Date: 12/07/2023 in Korea

Throne and Liberty Release Date: 12/07/2023 in Korea

NCSOFT held a Launching Showcase event, where they answered questions from players and announced the release date of MMORPG Throne and Liberty in South...
Throne and Liberty Release Date: 12/07/2023 in Korea

Throne and Liberty: Lanzamiento en Corea 7.12.2023

NCSOFT realizó un evento Launching Showcase, donde respondió preguntas de los jugadores y anunció la fecha de lanzamiento de MMORPG Throne and Liberty en...

Monetización de Throne and Liberty: sin cajas de botín ni sistema...

Según un sitio web de noticias coreano , NCSoft no planea introducir elementos de probabilidad en Throne and Liberty . Las cajas de botín, el sistema gacha, etc., parecían...

Throne and Liberty Monetization: No Loot boxes or Gacha system

According to a Korean news website, NCSoft does not plan to introduce probability items in Throne and Liberty. The loot boxes, gacha system, etc, seemed...
Throne and Liberty Technical Test Recap: Infography

Throne and Liberty Technical Test Recap: infographic

Amazon Games shared an infographic with statistics from the latest technical test of the game. It does not display a significant amount of information,...
Throne and Liberty: Bosses

Throne and Liberty: Bosses

Let's talk a little about Bosses. In Throne and Liberty you will find 3 tipes of bosses: Field Bosses, Guild Bosses and Archbosses. Here...
Nuevo teaser "Launching Showcase" y Cronograma de Lanzamiento Confirmado

Nuevo teaser “Launching Showcase” y Cronograma de Lanzamiento Confirmado

¡Por fin se acerca el lanzamiento! Al menos para la versión coreana de Throne and Liberty. Tras una beta controvertida, por no decir otra...
New Teaser for the Launch Showcase & Release Schedule Confirmed

New Launching Showcase Teaser & Release Schedule Confirmed

Launch is finally near! At least for the Korean version of Throne and Liberty. After a controversial beta, to say the least, and many...
Throne and Liberty: All you need to know about Guilds

Throne and Liberty: All you need to know about Guilds

In this guide you will learn all about the guild system in Throne and Liberty. How to join a guild or create your own,...
Throne and Liberty Conquest Battle: Boonstone and Riftstone

Throne and Liberty Conquest Battle: Boonstone and Riftstone

Throne and Liberty Conquest Battles are a PVP content for guilds. Conquest Battles are large scale combats, smaller than castle sieges, and guilds can...
Throne and Liberty Enviroment: Day, Night and Weather

Throne and Liberty Environmental Changes: Day, Night and Weather

The day/night cycles and weather changes are not just visual effects in Throne and Liberty. While the visual effect is important for immersion, the...
Throne and Liberty: Confidential Technical Test has ended

Throne and Liberty: Confidential Technical Test has ended

The latest test for Throne and Liberty is over, unfortunately the testers signed an NDA, so we have no new information. It is true...
Throne and Liberty: Bosses, hunting zones and Dungeons details in Producer's Letter Part 2

Throne and Liberty: Bosses, hunting zones and Dungeons details in Producer’s...

TL's producer, Jongok Ahn, published the second part of the Producer Letter (this is the link for the Producer Letter Part 1 in case...
NCSOFT habló sobre los cambios de Throne y Liberty: Autoplay, combate, progresión, mazmorras y más!

NCSOFT habló sobre los cambios de Throne y Liberty: Autoplay, combate,...

En una detallada carta, el productor de Throne and Liberty, habló en profundidad sobre los cambios en el desarrollo del juego. Estos cambios reflejan el feedback...
NCSOFT habló sobre los cambios de Throne y Liberty: Autoplay, combate, progresión, mazmorras y más!

NCSOFT spoke about Throne and Liberty changes: Autoplay, Combat, Progression, New...

In a detailed letter, the producer of Throne and Liberty, spoke in depth about the changes in the game's development. These changes reflect the...
El productor de Throne and Liberty habló sobre la Prueba Técnica, los cambios en PvP, autoplay y mucho más

El productor de Throne and Liberty habló sobre la Prueba Técnica,...

El portal "3DJuegos" entrevistó al productor de la versión global de Throne and Liberty, Merv Lee Kwai, de Amazon Games. En la entrevista se...
Throne and Liberty producer spoke about the Technical Test, changes in PvP, autoplay and more

Throne and Liberty producer spoke about the Technical Test, changes in...

The Spanish portal “3DJuegos” (3D Games) interviewed the producer of the global version of Throne and Liberty, Merv Lee Kwai from Amazon Games. The interview raised important...

Throne and Liberty Prueba Técnica “BETA” Confidencial

El equipo de Amazon Games y NCSOFT anuncian que solo un grupo selecto de jugadores y gremios de los Estados unidos en PC, PlayStation...
Throne and Liberty: Technical Test Announced

Throne and Liberty: Technical Test Announced

Amazon Games and NCSOFT announced a Confidential Technical Test for PC and Console players in the United States. This test will be subject to...
Throne and Liberty at Gamescome: Final impressions

Throne and Liberty at Gamescom: Final impressions

After his experience playing the revised Amazon Games version of Throne and Liberty, MEINMMO editor Alexander Leitsch wrote a follow up article, giving more...
Throne and Liberty: New Dungeons Difficulty, Drop and Bugs in Producer’s Letter Part 10

More details about Throne and Liberty: Global and Korean Release, New...

MeinMMO shared more information about their experience playing Throne and Liberty at Gamescom 2023 In the latest article, Alexander Leitsch, editor of MeinMMO, shared his...
Amazon Games talks about major changes for Throne and Liberty: PVP, Autoplay and P2W

Amazon Games habla de cambios importantes para Throne y Liberty: PVP,...

El editor de MeinMMO, Alexander Leitsch, pudo jugar a Throne and Liberty en la Gamescom 2023 y entrevistar a Merv Lee Kwai de Amazon...
Amazon Games talks about major changes for Throne and Liberty: PVP, Autoplay and P2W

Amazon Games talks about major changes for Throne and Liberty: PVP,...

MeinMMO editor Alexander Leitsch was able to play Throne and Liberty at Gamescom 2023, and interview Merv Lee Kwai from Amazon Games We all know at...
NCSOFT talks about Throne and Liberty Release, Dinamic Combat, Growth and more

NCSOFT habló sobre el lanzamiento de Throne and Liberty, Combate Dinámico,...

En la última conferencia telefónica para el segundo trimestre de 2023, Hong Won-joon, director financiero de NCsoft, habló sobre el progreso del desarrollo de Throne...
NCSOFT talks about Throne and Liberty Release, Dinamic Combat, Growth and more

NCSOFT talks about Throne and Liberty Release, Dynamic Combat, Growth and...

In the latest conference call for the second quarter of 2023, Hong Won-joon, CFO of NCsoft, talk about the progress of Throne and Liberty...
Throne and Liberty: Possible Global beta in August ?

Throne and Liberty: Possible Global beta in August?

Once again, another Korean news website talks about Throne and Liberty, suggesting that Global testing will take place between August and September 2023. In the...
Throne and Liberty: Possible Global beta in August ?

Throne and Liberty: ¿Posible beta Global en Agosto ?

Nuevamente otra web coreana de noticias habla sobre Throne and Liberty, sugiriendo que las pruebas a nivel Global serán entre Agosto y Septiembre del...
Throne and Liberty: 24 minutes of Console Gameplay

Throne and Liberty: 24 minutes of Console Gameplay

A few weeks ago Throne and Liberty closed Beta test ended, so now we know how the game looks like on PC. Let's also...
Throne and Liberty: 24 minutes of Console Gameplay

Throne and Liberty: 24 minutos de Gameplay en Consola

Hace unas semanas finalizo la prueba Beta cerrada de Throne and Liberty y sabemos cómo se ve el juego en PC. Recordemos también que...
Throne and Liberty Calendar: July picture is up!

Throne and Liberty Calendar: July picture is up!

Ncsoft created a Throne and Liberty calendar with a beautiful image for every month of the year. The July image was recently shared, with...
Throne and Liberty developers talk about CBT results, community feedback and Global version

Throne and Liberty developers talk about CBT results, community feedback and...

Throne and Liberty developers were interviewed at the Summer Game Fest event by Amazon Games' Merv Lee Kwai, NCSOFT's Design Director Moonseop Lee...
Throne and Liberty: Regions, Platforms and Servers

Throne and Liberty: Regions, Platforms and Servers

With the arrival of the new official site, more information about the global version of Throne and Liberty was revealed. Amazon Games shared details...
Throne and Liberty: ¡Regístrate ahora para la Beta!

Throne and Liberty: ¡Regístrate ahora para la Beta!

La versión occidental de Throne and Liberty anunció su primera prueba durante el Summer Game Fest. Este anuncio fue parte del nuevo tráiler presentado en el evento,...
Throne and Liberty: Register for Beta now

Throne and Liberty: Sign Up for Beta Now!

Throne and Liberty western version announced its first test during the Summer Game Fest. This announce was part of the new trailer shown on the...
Throne and Liberty: Announce Teaser - Summer Game Fest

Throne and Liberty: Announce Teaser – Summer Game Fest

Great news! Throne and Liberty will be present in Summer Game Fest 2023. Amazon Games, publisher of the western version of Throne and Liberty,...
Throne and Liberty release pushed back to Q4 2023?

Throne and Liberty release pushed back to Q4 2023?

According to the Korean portal Sedaily, Throne and Liberty release will be postponed from the third quarter of 2023 to the fourth. If the information is...

[Poll] What do you think about Throne and Liberty so far?

Throne and Liberty CBT brought a lot of concerns and opposite opinions about the game. There are so many videos of people talking about...